Does it make sense to save on professional fees and handle my own tax appeal?

Many of our most satisfied clients have either attempted to save on professional fees by handling their own appeals in the past or, at the very least, seriously considered this option. And it may very well be a valid option for you to consider, especially if the appeal arguments are very straightforward and simple—or if the subject properties are small and easy to value. Before you take this course of action, here are some important questions you need to answer:

  • Do you have a detailed knowledge of the assessing system? If not, are you certain that no significant tax savings are being lost?

  • Would an expert, who is knowledgeable in the inner workings of the assessor's office and well educated in valuation methodologies, be better suited to represent you?

  • Do you worry about the assessor's ability to exploit you due to your lack of knowledge about assessment procedures?

  • If a higher level of appeal is required, are you aware that certain information revealed by you as an owner/manager at the assessor level could hurt your chances of winning?

  • Are you confident in your valuation methodology? Can you be confident that your appeal has merit and complies with Statute and Board of Equilization requirements?

  • Are you familiar with in stringent procedural requirements (including deadline dates) throughout the appeals process? If so, are you able to effectively manage them.

Should I hire an attorney to represent me?

How do I evaluate an experienced outside tax consultant?

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